Writing & Spelling
Overchurch Junior School uses the Literacy Counts Read to Write planning for the daily teaching of writing.
Read to Write follows a text-based approach for the teaching of writing. The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities and are carefully mapped out so the entire statutory curriculum for writing is covered for each year group. The units of planning are planned sequentially and follow evidence-based teaching of writing. Progress is mapped out using the Literacy Counts, Read to Write assessment document.
Read to Write
Has clear sequential episodes of learning
Has example texts (greater depth WAGOLL)
Has learning objectives that link to the teaching sequence (Immerse, Analyse, Plan and Write)
Includes vocabulary learning
Includes contextualised spelling, grammar and punctuation
Includes sentence accuracy work linked to the national standards
Includes progression documents with year group expectations
Includes wider reading for the whole curriculum
At Overchurch Junior School, we follow Ready Steady Spell for the teaching of spelling. Ready Steady Spell is a progressive systematic spelling programme that covers the National Curriculum expectations for all Year Groups. It provides coverage in a cyclical way, by providing opportunities to reinforce and embed learning systematically and interactively.
Spelling is taught three times per week. The first two lessons introduce new spelling rules and guidance and strategies are taught. In lesson 3, pupils have the opportunity to revise new learning and learn spellings from the National Curriculum Statutory word list.
If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” – Toni Morrison
Writing and Spelling Long Term Plans
Ready Steady Spell Year 3 Progression Map
Ready Steady Spell Year 4 Progression Map
Ready Steady Spell Year 5 Progression Map
Ready Steady Spell Year 6 Progression Map