Overchurch Junior School


 “You can find magic wherever you look.  Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss

Overchurch Junior School uses the Literacy Counts Steps to Read programme for the daily teaching of reading.

The primary aim of the Steps to Read programme is to teach reading comprehension skills and strategies explicitly.

Steps to Read:

  • Is sequenced, coherent and progressive
  • Uses language-rich texts for vocabulary teaching
  • Includes all elements of comprehension, taught sequentially across an academic year
  • Has a clear focus on skills and strategies needed to be a proficient and confident reader
  • Uses engaging texts to promote a life-long love of reading
  • Includes poetry, non-fiction and fiction that enhances knowledge learning across the curriculum

reading matters presentation for website pptx 2 .pdf



Year 3 Reading Curriculum

Year 4 Reading Curriculum

Year 5 Reading Curriculum

Year 6 Reading Curriculum


Reading Practice

To foster a love of reading and motivate regular reading practice, our children have access to a wide range of quality texts.

Our Reading Planet scheme provides children who are learning to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts that follow a progressive and systematic approach.

Once secure and fluent in their reading, our ‘free-readers’ choose books from our class or school libraries to match their Accelerated Reader Book Level (or ZPD) and their interests.

At Overchurch Juniors, we have high aspirations and set our children the challenge to read at least 4 times a week at home to an adult.


Reading progress is mapped out using the Literacy Counts, Reading Counts assessment document and the Accelerated Reader Star Reader Test

Reading Culture

  • Weekly Star Reader Awards
  • Extensive Class Libraries
  • School Library
  • Links with local libraries
  • Reading workshops
  • Reading Spine

Looking for inspiration about what to read next? Follow these links for some ideas

The Book Trust


Love Reading

Early Reading

At Overchurch Juniors, the majority of our children arrive with secure phonics knowledge. For those children who need additional support to become familiar with the 44 sounds and corresponding graphemes used in English, phonics intervention is provided daily using our Rocket Phonics scheme.

Early Reading


All our children have access to high quality texts used throughout the teaching of reading.

1:1 reading support, 3 times a week, is provided for our lowest 20% and Pupil Premium readers.