About the Governing Body
The Leading Learners Trust has a formal board of Trustees with representatives from the schools.
Each school has a Local Governing Board that meets at least three times a year. Our Local Governing Board includes representatives from our parents, staff and community.
The Local Governing Board meet three times a year to support and challenge the headteacher and school to continue to provide children with a high quality education. They look at outcomes for all pupils at Overchurch Junior School and look at how well our children are doing compared to children nationally. They also receive safeguarding updates, attendance reports and curriculum updates, and help the school to make decisions that will benefit our children and school community.
If you have any questions about our Governing Body, please do not hesitate to contact Anne Kitchen (Clerk to Governors) via email anne.kitchen@overchurch-junior.wirral.sch.uk
Our Governors are volunteers from the community who work together to ensure that the school is well managed. The Headteacher and staff representatives are also members of the Governing Body.
Governor Attendance
Governor Vacancies
There are currently no vacancies on the Governing Body.
Overchurch Junior School Scheme of DelegationDeclaration of Interest