Overchurch Junior School


Careers Week at OJS

Why teaching about careers at primary school is important

From an early age, children are exposed to a multitude of people and experiences which shape their understanding of the world. These years are integral to their understanding of the self and building an awareness of their strengths, values, and the opportunities available to them. In the past, career-related learning has mainly been a focus for secondary schools, but it is clear that, for it to be effective, starting in primary school is vital. Research has shown that pupils are making career-limiting choices early. The factors that affect their choices include whether a job is seen as only suitable for a particular sex or for someone from a particular social level, as well as a child’s concept of their own ability. These factors lead to children filtering their possible future jobs from almost before they start school and act to restrict their futures. Giving pupils the opportunity to explore a wide range of careers, including challenging the influence and impact of stereotypes, plays a key role in developing their understanding of the world of work and broadening their horizons.

Careers at OJS

Career-related learning at Overchurch Junior School is about opening up a world of opportunities for our children. We want to show our children that opportunities are endless, exposing them to a wide range of experiences, by encouraging them to understand that they can be anything they want to be, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or where they live.

Our career-related learning takes place throughout our Curriculum. For example, children in Year 6 reflect on their strengths and skills and consider how this could impact their future. The curriculum has been designed to allow the children to learn more about their own abilities and talents, and see the links between their learning and their future. Throughout units of work, children develop an awareness of how knowledge and skills can be used in future aspirational careers. 

To support children with their personal development, we have organised trips and experiences around their interests and ambitions. 


We inspire the children by sharing information in lessons and whole-school assemblies about significant individuals. We invite visitors to come in to school to teach the children about their jobs so that the children become more aware of what opportunities are available to them in the future and how to work towards achieving their career related goals.

In July 2024, we were fortunate to host our very own 'Careers Week'. Children took part in a careers fair where they had the opportunity to meet adults from a range of career and business backgrounds. As well as this, we hosted an 'Aspirations Day'. Children across the school dressed as their future ambition and aspiration, whilst having the chance to present this in front of their peers.

The BBC has a series of short films introducing a variety of careers, and the book series Little People, Big Dreams and Little Leaders introduce young readers to inspiring people from diverse backgrounds across a range of disciplines. Young, Gifted and Black by Jamia Wilson also lists 52 icons from the past and present to empower the next generation of changemakers. 


Careers Week